Friday, June 12, 2009


CAUTION: This Post is Heavy Duty on Emotional & Philosophical Front! Do NOT read if you are looking for Humor! You have other posts below in that Genre!

My life has been a roller coaster over the past few days. Like life should be.... It has been graced by a little good news- a little more bad news! As they say, I was swept off my feet in 'love!' I found it true for life instead. The 'shallow' happiness of a Promotion-the frustration about those who are genuinely, truly deserving not getting their due... I mean come on are people BLIND?? One moment of vacation and the next moment of cancer. One moment of a new job & the whole new world waiting for you and the next minute of brain ailment. Being extremely happy & proud of getting through a good college to the next moment of not knowing where to go from there! Imagine starting from scratch after all these years! Well these are the few things that life has dealt to some people I know!

Incidents like these actually make you realize what we are all being played for! We go through the mundane daily routines like it is what we are meant to do & meant to be! I often contemplate- Is all this work, effort & persistence worth IT?? Most of us, I am sure, do not even know what the 'IT' here is...

It is at times like this, when I close my eyes & see the few I love, that brings a smile on my face & gives me the zeal to continue the next day... Although I do not know 'what' am I continuing? Where am I heading? Will I even know when I reach my 'GOAL'? I am sure most of do not even realize it! We are already anxious and heading for a new 'mission,' to take a while & celebrate what you achieved.

Do only what you really want to do! Never do something that you do not have the heart/ inclination to do!

Life is too short to hold a grudge against some one! Forget it & move on with it!

One more thing that I realized is we end up show our anger and frustration on those whom we love & really care! We NEVER take the time & effort to tell them, time and again, what we feel about them & they are the reason for our LIVING!

I am beginning now & here, to all those who mean the world to me by saying 'I LOVE YOU!'


Sruthi Menon said...

baby love u muaah in case i haven't told u already u are one of the few people who will always and always place in my heart. Great post

AkShAyA said...

Thanks SRM! You made my DAY!

Shru said...

:) hey one more shruthy joins the group..........great babe.......awesome post! love u too.....thanks for bein there for us dear...........

AkShAyA said...

Hey Shru, Thanks & You too...

Unknown said...

Hey nice blog dude... its very true n yeah i vil take some points 4rm it as advice :D
U r one of da most important person in my life n I LOVE U 2...
Thanks 4 everything... :)

Sars said...

Hey Akku BabeS!!! Luv ya Muahhh!!! Have been trying to put up all our pics in a very long time, but the only pic remains there!! Both of us Luv u Equally :D

AkShAyA said...

A little context to Saranya's bizarre comment, I did not tell her right away that I ordered my camera. I told her exactly 2 hrs later. So she is presently mad at me. Well, what can one do when there are statuses like DNP or DND... :-P

Sars said...

My Gtalk Status did NOT read that ways!!! Grrrrr...

Jach said...

Very thoughtful and well written

sandhya shankaran said...

Very Well written Aks!! keep writing :P .. i will always be there to read such nice posts :P